修了者には、早稲田大学ビジネス・ファイナンス研究センターおよびRady School of Management, UCSDの連名による修了証を授与します。
A mini-program, “MicroMBA” will be held for Undergraduates, Graduated students, Ph.D. candidates, Post-Docs, and Junior scientists and engineers who has Science/Technical background.
In this program, lectures on MBA-level knowledge of business will be given.
MicroMBA is a tie-up program with University of California at San Diego, thus all sessions will be held in English.
The Certificate of Completion from Institute for Business and Finance, Waseda University and Rady School of Management, UCSD will be awarded.
■過去の開催模様 / Previous Programs :
■過去の参加者の声 / Messages from Alumn :
Please see the messages in the STE RELAY COLUMN.
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 020] 細野 隆太郎 「海外での学びとMicroMBA」
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 021] 細井 雄大 「MicroMBAで学んだこと」
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 084] 林 超 「 遠隔授業の意義:MicroMBAの受講について」
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 090] Peter Chai “Participation in Micro MBA Program as a Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant at the School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University”
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 091] Hanbin Wang “My Experience of Waseda-UCSD Micro MBA”
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 092] Samridh Jain “MicroMBA: The Learning, the Realizations and the Walk After”
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 131] 高須 正和 「 本に書いてない答えを出すのがMBAの仕事 MicroMBA受講記 」
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 132] 小野 克樹 「私の実現したい世界とMicro MBA 」
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 133] Masayuki Hirosue 「“Wow” factor in micro MBA 」
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 134] Geo Han 「 Waseda-EDGE MicroMBA Program Review 」
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 166]Peter Chai「 Two Years After Participating in the MicroMBA Program 」
[ STE Relay Column : Narratives 174]Rikako Nomura「Joining MBA courses for the first time」
■主 催 / Host :
早稲田大学ビジネス・ファイナンス研究センター 科学技術とアントレプレナーシップ研究部会
Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship Research Group at Institute for Business and Finance, WASEDA University
■共 催 / Co-host :
Rady School of Management, UCSD
Waseda University Open Innovation Ecosystem Program for Pioneering Research(W-SPRING)
■開催日時 / Schedule :
Session | Day / Time (JST) | Contents | Lecturer |
Orientation (WASEDA) | 10:00-10:30 Saturday, February 15, 2025 (JST) | Orientation | Kanetaka Maki |
#1 (WASEDA) | 10:30-12:00 Saturday, February 15, 2025 (JST) | Entrepreneurship | Kanetaka Maki |
#2 (UCSD) | 10:00-11:30, Saturday, February 22, 2025 (JST) | Product/Service Innovation | Vish Krishnan |
#3 (WASEDA) | 19:00-20:30, Wednesday, February 26, 2025 (JST) * Networking with Business Model Pitch Session till 22:00 |
Strategy | Jusuke Ikegami |
#4 (UCSD) | 10:00-11:30, Saturday, March 1, 2025 (JST) | Why you aren’t experimenting enough | Eric Floyd |
#5 (WASEDA) | 19:00-20:30, Wednesday, March 5, 2025 (JST) * Networking with Business Model Pitch Session till 22:00 |
Accounting | Shigeru Nishiyama |
#6 (UCSD) | 10:00-11:30, Saturday, March 8, 2025 (JST) | Marketing | On Amir |
Certificate award ceremony (WASEDA) | 11:30-12:00, Saturday, March 8, 2025 (JST) | Certificate award ceremony |
* Attendance for all 6 lectures are mandatory. All lectures will be delivered in English. Required Level of English ability is approx. 750 or above in TOEIC score for non-native English Speaker.
* All lectures are provided online.
■対象・受講費 / Audience and Fees :
① 早稲田大学に在籍する学部生、大学院生、ポスドク等若手研究者(教職員) Undergraduates, Graduated students, Ph.D. candidates, Post-Docs and young researchers from WASEDA University |
無料 Free of Charge |
② WBS現役学生 WASEDA Business School (WBS) students |
③ WBS卒業生 Alumni of WBS |
3万円 30,000JPY |
④ 他大学の大学院に在籍する大学院生、ポスドク等若手研究者(教職員) Graduated students, Ph.D. candidates, Post-Docs and young researchers from other Universities |
⑤ 一般社会人 Others (e.g. fully employed individuals) |
10万円 100,000JPY ※早期割引8万円 * Early bird discount 80,000JPY |
* Early bird discount applications are available up to Saturday, January 25.
■締切 / Deadline of application :
15:00, Saturday, February 8, 2025 (JST)
■お問い合わせ先 / Contact :
MicroMBA運営事務局 / MicroMBA Secretariat
■講師 / Lecturer :
Orientation / Entrepreneurship (Saturday, February 15)
牧 兼充 Kanetaka Maki
早稲田大学 大学院経営管理研究科 准教授
Associate Professor of Finance, WASEDA Business School, WASEDA University
- 2015年カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校にて、博士(経営学)を取得。スタンフォード大学社会・環境工学科客員准教授、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校ビジネススクール客員准教授、慶應義塾大学理工学部訪問准教授、高知大学客員教授などを歴任。日米の大学において理工・医学分野での人材育成、大学を中心としたエコシステムの創生に携わる。専門は、技術経営、アントレプレナーシップ、イノベーション、科学技術政策など。経済産業省産業構造審議会イノベーション小委員会委員、内閣官房「創薬力の向上により国民に最新の医薬品を迅速に届けるための構想会議」構成員、経団連「Science to Startup Task Force」メンバー、文部科学省戦略的調査分析機能に関する有識者懇談会委員などを歴任し、日本のイノベーション政策に深く関わる。近著に「イノベーターのためのサイエンスとテクノロジーの経営学」(単著、東洋経済新報社)、「科学的思考トレーニング意思決定力が飛躍的にアップする25問」 (単著、PHPビジネス新書) などがある。
- Maki obtained a PhD in Management from the University of California San Diego in 2015. He has served as a Visiting Associate Professor at Stanford University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, a Visiting Associate Professor at the UC San Diego Rady School of Management, a Visiting Associate Professor at Keio University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering, and a Visiting Professor at Kochi University. He is engaged in fostering talent in STEM and medical fields at universities in Japan and the United States and creating ecosystems centered around universities. His specialties include technology management, entrepreneurship, innovation, and science and technology policy. He participates in various roles, including as a member of the Innovation Subcommittee of the Industrial Structure Council of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a member of the Planning Committee for the swift delivery of the latest pharmaceuticals to the public through enhanced drug discovery capabilities under the Cabinet Secretariat, a member of the Science to Startup Task Force of Keidanren, and an expert panel discussion on strategic survey and analysis capabilities under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, deeply involved in Japan’s innovation policy. His recent works include “Management of Science and Technology for Innovators” (sole author, Toyo Keizai Inc.) and “25 Questions for Leapfrog Decision-Making Power through Scientific Thinking Training” (sole author, PHP Business New Book).
Product/Service Innovation (Saturday, February 22)
Vish Krishnan
Jacobs Family Chair in Management and Engineering Leadership, Technology and Operations
- Professor Vish Krishnan is a Chaired Professor and the Faculty Director of Rady’s Entrepreneurship Initiative, CIID. One of the Rady School’s founding fac
- ulty bringing deep start-up/business experience in California and Texas, Professor Krishnan has developed unparalleled expertise in researching and teaching innovation, entrepreneurship, and product management. He has led Rady School’s signature core course series, Lab to Market, which allows Rady students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in entrepreneurship by developing their own businesses. In addition, Professor Krishnan also serves as the Associate Director for the Institute for the Global Entrepreneur, a joint venture between the Rady School and the Jacobs School of Engineering – where he holds a joint appointment. In his research, Professor Krishnan works on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of innovative operations and ventures, and collaborates closely with the School of Medicine through grants from the National Institute of Health and the State of California. He has been a founding member of start-up teams and is an advisor to a number of startup teams and major international companies. Professor Krishnan received his doctoral degree from MIT and serves in the editorial positions of elite academic journals in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, and product/operations management. He has been named the Most Valuable Professor by Rady Students 4 times during the last decade and has been invited to teach at MIT and Harvard University.
- https://rady.ucsd.edu/faculty-research/faculty/vish-krishnan.html
Strategy (Wednesday, February 26)
池上 重輔 Jusuke Ikegami
早稲田大学 大学院経営管理研究科 教授
Professor of Finance, WASEDA Business School, WASEDA University
- 早稲田大学商学部卒業。一橋大学より博士号(経営学)を取得。ボストン・コンサルティング・グループ(BCG)、MARS JAPAN、ソフトバンクECホールディングス、ニッセイ・キャピタルを経て2016年より現職。Academy of International Business (AIB) Japan chair、国際ビジネス研究学会(JAIBS)理事・国際委員会委員、異文化経営学会 理事。早稲田ブルー・オーシャン戦略研究所 所長、早稲田グローバル・ストラテジック・リーダーシップ研究所 幹事。2015年より東洋インキSCホールディングス社外監査役。英国ケンブリッジ大学ジャッジ経営大学院MBA、英国国立シェフィールド大学 政治学部 大学院修士課程国際関係学 修士、英国国立ケント大学 社会科学部 大学院修士課程国際関係学 修士。
- Professor Ikegami received Doctor of Business Administration from Hitotsubashi University in 2015. After working for Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Tokyo office, he joined MARS Japan. While he is working for Softbank EC Holdings as a Director of New Business Development, he also served as BOD of several subsidiaries. He also worked for Nissay Capital Co. Ltd., before joining Waseda Business School. His research interest includes corporate strategy, global management, new business development and global leadership. He is a member of international committee of JAIBS (Japan Academy of International Business Studies). He is also an outside company auditor of Toyo INK SC Holdings.
Why you aren’t experimenting enough (Saturday, March 1)
Eric Floyd
Associate Professor of Accounting
- Eric Floyd’s research is focused on transparency regulation, healthcare reimbursement and field experiments in Accounting and Finance. His research is field-driven and policy relevant to be accessible decision-makers and applicable to solving real-world problems.
Floyd was awarded a Kauffman Foundation Research Grant and a PRIME Research Grant in 2015. He also received the Sidney Davidson Doctoral Fellowship, University of Chicago in 2013, the Charles T. Horngren Fellowship, University of Chicago, in 2011 and the Pichler Fellowship, University of Chicago in 2010.
Floyd earned a B.A. in Economics from the University of Chicago. He also earned an MBA and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business.
Accounting (Wednesday, March 5)
西山 茂 Shigeru Nishiyama
早稲田大学 大学院経営管理研究科 教授
Professor of Finance, WASEDA Business School, WASEDA University
- 早稲田大学政治経済学部卒。ペンシルバニア大学ウォートンスクールMBA修了。監査法人ト-マツ等にて会計監査・企業買収支援・株式公開支援・人材育成などの業務を担当したのち、2002年より早稲田大学で教鞭をとり、2006年より現職。2010年から2011年にかけて米国スタンフォード大学 Visiting Professor。会計や財務といった数字をベースに理論と実務の両面から経営を考える授業やゼミを担当している。国内主要上場企業の監査役、取締役を歴任。学術博士(早稲田大学)。公認会計士。
- Upon graduation from Waseda University, Professor Nishiyama started his professional career with Tohmatsu & Co., which is now a member firm of Deloitte in 1984. After obtaining MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, he performed various kinds of projects such as auditing, IPO consulting, M&A consulting, management control system consulting and training managers in many Japanese companies through Tohmatsu & Co. and his own firm as Japanese CPA. He has taught Accounting and Corporate Finance from perspectives of general management at Waseda Business School since 2002. His current position has begun since 2006.He has been Outside Director and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of larger Japanese listed companies. Also he is a Japanese CPA and holds PhD from Waseda University.
Marketing (Saturday, March 8)
On Amir
Wolfe Family Presidential Endowed Chair in Life Sciences Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, Professor of Marketing
- Amir’s research focuses on using psychological and economic principles to identify successful strategies in different market settings. He investigates different customer decision-making mechanisms and their influences on pricing and promotion strategies, on decision making under risk and uncertainty, and on preference dynamics. He also writes about how insights from research on decision making and behavioral economics may be used to improve business practices and policy making.
Amir has received several research awards from the Marketing Science Institute and from the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. Prior to coming to UC San Diego, he was an assistant professor of marketing at Yale University. Amir received his Ph.D. in management science and marketing from MIT’s Sloan School of Management in 2003.
■お問い合わせ先 / Contact :
MicroMBA運営事務局 / MicroMBA Secretariat